Junior Campus

Welcome to Pre-Primary

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Parents and teachers as partners in children’s learning

The early years of a child’s life are the most important – a time of rapid development physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally.

By the time children come to school they are already successful learners. They have learnt many things – to laugh, to cry, to walk, to feed themselves, and most importantly of all, to talk and converse with others.

Pre-primary education is concerned with continuing the balanced overall development of the individual child through learning experiences in both the school and the community.

During these learning experiences the child should observe positive relationships between home and school, parent and teacher. It is through the combined efforts of all those adults that children will be given the maximum opportunities to develop and learn.

Parents and teachers working together can make sure that this occurs.

The teacher’s role

The teachers’ role is to:

  • Determine the needs of the child
  • To plan a programme that covers the emotional, social, physical and cognitive area of learning
  • To provide a safe, healthy and attractive learning environment
  • To offer a liaison between home and year one
  • To promote parent – school co-operation in helping the child adjust to the school situation

Please note that each Wednesday is an early closing day with school finishing at 2.35pm.

Fees and fundraising

Fees letters will be sent out to parents at the beginning of the school year.
Some fund-raising is undertaken during the year as both a social occasion and to raise extra funds to provide additional resources.

What should my child wear?

Uniforms are available through the Mead Street Office.

Comfortable, practical and manageable (toilet-wise) clothing suited to the season and the variety of activities tackled during the session. E.g., shorts and T-shirts in summer, and tracksuits in winter. (Tracksuit pants are more suitable than jeans, cheaper and warmer). Uniforms are recommended.

Shoes which children can manage independently, such as buckles, velcro grips or

Hats – during summer months it is policy that children wear a hat for outdoor activities. A sun-screen protection is also advisable. A “NO HAT, NO PLAY” policy is in place at Donnybrook District High School (term 1 and 4).

Remember that sometimes children engage in very messy play. Paint smocks are worn, but accidents may occur. If you choose to send your child in best clothes, you do so AT YOUR OWN RISK!!


Children’s birthdays are important to them. However, we do not encourage parent to send along elaborate cakes. Small patty cakes are preferred as they are easy to share.

Excursions and visits

Throughout the year children may be involved in outings outside the school environment. Prior to any excursions, a consent form will be sent home to be signed. A school form is sent home at the beginning of each year, to cover local excursions. eg Mitchell Park sports ground, Donnybrook Recreation Centre.

What should my child bring?

A list is given to Kindergarten children at the end of each year. New parents to the school can collect this list from the Mead Street Office.

Please make sure all clothing is labelled with your child’s name.

NOTE: Children are not permitted to bring their own toys or games to play with unless requested for a specific reason.

Things to collect and send to pre-primary

  • Small interesting boxes
  • Popsticks
  • Straws
  • Clean polystyrene trays
  • Egg cartons
  • Cardboard cylinders (no toilet rolls)
  • Small pieces of soft wood
  • Plastic bottle tops e.g., Orange/Apple juice
  • Lace
  • Material Scraps
  • Magazines
  • Wool
  • Greeting cards
  • Buttons
  • Wrapping Paper

If we have a concern what should we do?

  • Contact the pre-primary teacher to make an appointment to discuss any concern about development, health or behaviour.
  • It is important that significant changes or happenings which may affect your child are communicated to the teacher. All information offered about your child is treated privately and confidentially


Mrs Heidi Walker Heidi.Walker@education.wa.edu.au
Mrs Caroline Foster Caroline.Foster@education.wa.edu.au
Mrs Sara Williams Sara.Williams@education.wa.edu.au

Education Assistants

Mrs Maryanne Buck Maryanne.Buck@education.wa.edu.au
Miss Savannah Garlick Savannah.Garlick@education.wa.edu.au