

Browser Compatibility

This site has been developed to work with all browsers on all platforms and be accessible to and usable to all visitors.

Access Keys

Access keys are keyboard shortcuts that replace the need to use the mouse for navigation in browsers that support them.

In Internet Explorer on Windows, you can press ALT + an access key (then press ENTER for IE 8 and IE 9) to activate the link.

In Safari on Mac, you can press CTRL + OPT + an access key (press CTRL + OPT + an access key for Safari 3) to activate the link.

In Chrome on Windows, you can press ALT + an access key (in some cases you need to press ALT + SHIFT + an access key) to activate the link.

In Chrome on Mac, you can press CTRL + OPT + an access key to activate the link.

In Firefox on Windows, you can press ALT + Shift + an access key to activate the link.

In Firefox on Mac you can press CTRL + OPT + an access key (for Mac up to v14.0 you need to press CTRL + an access key) to activate the link.

The following access keys are available throughout the website:

Information for users with disabilities

Whether you have a minor vision impairment or significant motor impairment, here are some resources you might find helpful:

The BBC’s Accessibility Help page provides comprehensive assistance with changing browser, computer, keyboard and mouse settings to make the web more accessible. There is information available for Windows, Mac and Linux users.

Media Access Australia provides information and service keeping people up-to-date with the world of accessible media. Their New Media section covers a wide range advice on how people with disabilities can use computers and the Internet.